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Client Pre and Post Eyeliner Care

Please do not book an appointment before any major event, such as a vacation., social event or wedding.  Also, some clients may be more sensitive if they have a procedure done on their menstrual cycle.

General Information

Try to avoid the following things (unless medically needed) prior to all procedures.

1.  Aspirin or similar products 

2.  Alcohol 

3.  Niacian and Vitamin A

4.  Ginko Biloba, Saint Johns Wort or Evening Primrose

It is important to not have sunburn prior to and after the procedure.  This also includes tanning beds. All clients must be off Retin A or Renova for 30 days prior to the procedure.  Clients be off Accutane for one year prior to any procedure.  Avoid drinking alcohol for 48 hours prior to procedure.  Shannon Borsini does not recommend any medications to control discomfort.  If you feel the need to self-medicate, you must have proof of a ride home.  Tylenol or non aspirin pain reliever can be taken one hour prior to procedure.  

Please bring sunglasses to all appointments if you wear contact lenses.  You must wear eyeglasses for 2 days after all eyeliner sessions.  After 3 days, you may wear contact lenses.  They must be clean or new.  Please, use only a new mascara, makeup or lipstick after all procedures.  It is important to not be exposed to bacteria.  They can cause a secondary infection.  It is not a bad idea to have a ride home after an eyeliner procedure; you may be sensitive to light.

Eyeliner After-Care


Eyes may be swollen and tender for a few days.  This is normal and will dissipate quickly.  Itching is also common.  An ice pack protected with a wet barrier film of paper towel can be very nice.  Please do not ice for more than 10 minutes at a time.  Icing is most effective during the first 24 hours.  Sleeping slightly elevated can also reduce any residual swelling of the eyes.  Swelling can be an issue the morning following your procedure.  You may soil your pillowcase with some residual pigment on eyes.  In the morning, if your eyes are stuck together, use a wet Q-tip and gently separate.  Do not rub, peel or pick.  Keep the area clean and only use the Aquaphor provided for 5-7 days.  Apply once in the AM and once in PM.  Use a fresh Q-tip for every application.  Do not let the eyeliner become dry for the first 72 hours.  Avoid sun, pool, hot tub and all creams around the eye area.  Permanent makeup is sensitive to pet dander and litter boxes, gardening, dust, and dirty hands, please avoid contact until healed.  Eyes heal very quickly.  However, they are exposed to the possibility of a secondary infection like conjunctivitis.  If ointment is a problem, please do not use and rinse with buffered eyewash and seek medical attention for an antibiotic steroid eye drop.  Sunglasses add wonderful protection from the sun.  Please use a new tube of mascara after each procedure.  Do not wear mascara for 5 days.

Please note that signs and symptoms of infection, including, but not limited to, redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site indicate an infection and immediate medical attention is necessary. 


Please call Shannon with any questions or concerns at (775)240-7175.

Bella Visi Permanent Cosmetics

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